Joint media release: Constraints measures program delivers $20m infrastructure boost for SA river communities
The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, Minister for the Environment and Water
The Hon Susan Close MP, SA Deputy Premier, Minister for the Environment and Water
Communities along the River Murray in South Australia will receive funding for crucial infrastructure projects under the $19.7 million constraints measures early works program, including projects at Murray Bridge, Swan Reach and Morgan.
The aim of the SA program is to prepare river communities for increased environmental flows by upgrading infrastructure and removing barriers to flow between the river, floodplains, and wetlands.
The upgrades help manage the impacts of flows and include improving access roads and tracks and installing and modifying infrastructure.
Almost $1 million will be spent upgrading the Ngaut Ngaut Conservation Park in consultation with Traditional Owners.
Previous works under the SA program were announced in Loxton in early October, totalling $1.4 million.
The latest round includes:
- Mid-Murray Council to receive $427,327 toward upgrades to the Swan Reach boat ramp, Bowhill houseboat, South Punyelroo wastewater infrastructure and the Scotts Creek access road near Morgan.
- The Central Irrigation Trust, which pumps River Murray water to Riverland growers, to receive $281,685 for improvements to irrigation drainage outlets to better cope with high flow events.
- Murray Bridge Council to receive $100,000 to design bank stabilisation works at Pomberuk/Hume Reserve in conjunction with the Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporation.
- The Renmark Irrigators Trust will be granted $111,935 to decommission the Remark Area Drainage Disposal System (RADDS) to enable irrigation pumping operations during a high flow event.
- SA Government will receive $256,520 to install new surface water monitoring stations at Swan Reach and Morgan to ensure water flow, height and salinity levels are accurately monitored during high flow events.
- The SA National Parks and Wildlife Service to receive $975,000 for the co-design of facilities at Ngaut Ngaut Conservation Park with the Mannum Aboriginal Community Association Inc.
- The SA Government to receive $150,604 for the channel clearing, gates and signage to better manage high flow periods at the Katarapko Floodplain in Chowilla and Morgan.
The constraints measures are delivered by the South Australian government with funding from the Australian Government under the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
The Federal Parliament recently passed the Restoring our Rivers bill which puts the Murray-Darling Basin Plan back on track after a decade of sabotage by the Liberals and Nationals.
The legislation ensures the 450GL of water for the environment will be delivered. This is a win for South Australia and a win for the environment.
Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for the Environment and Water, Tanya Plibersek:
"We committed to delivering the Murray-Darling Basin Plan in full, and that’s what we’re doing. We’ve given Basin governments more time to deliver vital infrastructure projects like these, to ensure the water flows where it is needed at this critical time and has the environmental impact.
"We are working to deliver a healthy and sustainable river system for the communities, industry, farmers, First Nations groups and environment that rely on it."
Quotes attributable to SA Minister for the Climate, Environment and Water, Susan Close:
"These South Australian infrastructure projects are part of important preparations for when increased environmental flows are delivered under the Plan.
"This is a significant investment in our river communities and the resulting works will help to create a healthier, more accessible river which will lower and mid Murray regions."